In my previous post, I was able to connect a firebird 2.0 database to using controls. The next goal was to connect to a firebird database using the engine and using the repeater control. I however, was able to use the engine to connect to the firebird database but not to the repeater control. I used the html table tag. I've created a simple demo displaying the contents of a firebird database on page load. Here are the steps:
1. Things Needed:
- Firebird 2.0 Server
- Firebird 2.0 Client
- Visual Web Developer
3. On the Website menu, click on Add Reference.
4. Select the Firebird - 2.0 Data Provider and click Ok.
5. Add using FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient; to the "using" section;
6. On the Solution Explorer, double click on Default.aspx.cs.
The following code should appear.
7. Paste the following in the Page_Load event:
FbConnection fbCn = new FbConnection("Database=
fbCmd = new FbCommand("select * from \"TableName\"", fbCn);
fbDa = new FbDataAdapter(fbCmd);
this.GridView1.DataSource = dt;
this.Repeater1.DataSource = dt;
Response.Write("< r =" 1;" cellspacing =" 1;" cellpadding="1">");
for (int j = 0; j <>" + dt.Columns[j].ToString() + "< / t d >");
for (int i = 0; i <>");
for (int j = 0; j <>" + dt.Rows[i][j].ToString() + "< / t d >");
Response.Write("< / t r >");
Response.Write("< / t a b l e >");
8. The output of my database contains the following:
connectionString =
"Database=C:\\smartpos\\data\\smartpos_horeca_net.fdb;" +
"User=SYSDBA;" + "Password=masterkey;" +
IDbConnection dbcon = new FbConnection(connectionString);
IDbCommand dbcmd = dbcon.CreateCommand();
The code shown above works on WM5 device. On WinCE it fails. it does not connectto the db.
on wm5 it uses FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient reference.
Can you please help me further?