It's quite difficult to find resources regarding SMS programming with C#. Well, I have gathered through some other sites on how to program mobile phones (various models including Nokia N96 ). Before I write about C# (I'm using C# express 2008), let's have a look at the basics first. This first part will talk about connecting to your mobile phone and testing its connectivity. Be sure that you have your mobile phone driver installed. Connect your mobile phone To test the connectivity of the phone and whether it responds to our commands, let us try hyperterminal. In XP, Start->All Programs->Accessories->Communications->Hyperterminal. Specify the Name of the connection. Choose the Communications Port (Usually, the mobile phone will from Com1 to Com3. To know which port the mobile phone is assigned to, go to Control Panel->Phone and Modem Options->Modems. It will list down all the modems attached to your PC). Specify the Bits per second, Data bits, Parity, Sto...