Sometimes we encounter situations wherein we need to include in our query, a time range given that the only fields in the SQL server database is the start time and the duration: StartTime Duration 09:30:00 AM 60 07:30:00 AM 90 *The table name in this example is tbl_UserSchedule We sometimes want to show it in a form of a time range just like looking at a schedule: Schedule 09:30:00 AM - 10:30:00 AM 07:30:00 AM - 09:00:00 AM The following SQL statement does the job (although not quite optimized): SELECT CONVERT(char(9), StartTime, 108) + CASE WHEN StartTime > '11:59:59 PM' THEN 'PM' ELSE 'AM' END + ' - ' + CONVERT(char(9), DATEADD(minute, Duration, StartTime), 108) + CASE WHEN DateAdd(minute, Duration, StartTime) > '11:59:59 PM' THEN 'PM' ELSE 'AM' END FROM tbl_UserSchedule