My first job was at a small IT firm here in Davao. It was a good start for an aspiring IT professional to be employed at that company. There was much learning not only from a technical point of view, but also in terms of business logic and human resources. One of which would be the 5S. I first encountered the term at that company but they never did tell us what those 5 S's were. When our HR officer says "Let's do a 5S!", all employees proceed to general cleaning. We dust out the dirt from our system units, wipe our monitors' screens, and clean the balls of our mouse. Until the time I left the company, I didn't know what 5S means. All I know is 5S means cleaning. Good thing though is that I took up MBA (Masters in Business Administration) where I first encountered the term TQM (Total Quality Management). In TQM, high product quality will enable the business to save on costs and improve bottom line (profit in most cases). Here, I learned about how the Japanese d...