For this example, we'll be creating a simple sales management for a ticketing office named ACheapSeat. The application allows buying of tickets for a particular event in a given venue. For this example, let's have tickets for three (3) venues: Cowboy Stadium Tickets , Ringling Brothers Circus Tickets , and Kyle Field Tickets . First, create the database named acheapseat in MS SQL Server. (I'm using MS SQL Server 2005 Express edition). Create the following tables: 1. Venues Id: int, PK, Auto-increment, not null Name: varchar(50), not null 2. Events Id:int, PK, Auto-increment, not null Description: varchar(50), not null DateTime: timestamp, not null VenueId: FK, int, not null Price: numeric 3. TicketSales Id: int, PK, Auto-increment, not null DateBought: timestamp, not null EventId: FK,...