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Find your phone using Google

Try this: Go to type "find my phone" without the quotes You should see in the screen something similar to the image below: Go ahead and try to ring your Android phone.
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Pacquiao vs. Mayweather live stream

I looked for some live streams for the Pacquiao vs. Mayweather fight. I found one at Here are the links: Live stream 1 Live stream 2 Live stream 3 Live stream 4 Live stream 5 If the links don't work, try this one

Affordable VPS

I have been using shared hosting services from various providers and I thought it is time to use a virtual private server (VPS). I was told that Digital Ocean is a great option. So I did try Digital Ocean, and I wasn't disappointed. They have great service, and a fast server. It is also easy to add another VPS, and it is also easy to delete if you don't need it anymore. I've been using Digital Ocean's service for months now and I highly recommend it. For more information click here .

Delete images older than one year in php

 The following code deletes images that contain the word "snapshot" and are older than one year. <?php $imagePattern = "/snapshot/i"; $directory = "./images"; if (($handle = opendir($directory)) != false) {     while (($file = readdir($handle)) != false) {         $filename = "$directory/$file";         //echo $filename." ";                 if ( filemtime($filename) <=strtotime("-1 year") && preg_match($imagePattern, $filename)) {             unlink($filename);             //$filetime=filemtime($filename);                         //echo $filename."  ".date('l dS \o\f F Y h:i...

The Facebook Dislike Button is a Fake

Beware of the rapidly spreading "Activate Dislike Button" on Facebook. An article in GMA news website has a detailed explanation about the technical aspects of this link. CHECK IF IT'S REAL OR NOT It has few variations and it appears to have hacked a friend's account, allowing it to tag you in a post. Observe however how the post was made. You can see that successive posts are made about this but notice that it came from different media sources (pictures and names removed to keep privacy): Facebook just released the dislike button! Click On 'Activate Dislike Button' below to enable it on your account! about an hour ago  via  Facebook® for HP webOS  Â·  Like  Â·   Â·  Activate Dislike Button Facebook just added the dislike button! Click on 'Activate Dislike Button' below to enable it on your profile! about an hour ago  via  Facebook for Windows Phone  Â·  Like  Â·   Â· Activate Dislike Button Facebook just ...

Difference between a Database and DBMS

Just finished my training and certification exam for an IBM academic evangelist. The training covered database fundamentals and DB2. There were other topics covered relating to databases and database management systems like SQL and XML, but I'd like to put more emphasis on database and DBMS or Database Management Systems. Although I have been practicing as a software developer and IT instructor, I have never taken any particular detail to the theories and concepts of databases, much more handle such subjects. The training refreshed me with what I learned in college as well as given me more information about databases and DBMSs. Here are a few things that I've re-learned (because apparently, I forgot or I did not learn at all): Database in a general point of view refers to any data repository. It can be a software. It provides an interface to access DATA.  DBMS or Database Management System is a software system. Whereas database provides a way to access data, DBMS provides a...